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In a com­mand prompt:
% cat myprog.d
import std.stdio;
void main()
    writeln("Hello, world without explicit compilations!");
% rdmd myprog
Hello, world without explicit compilations!
% _
In­side a D pro­gram:
% cat myprog.d
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
import std.stdio;
void main()
    writeln("Hello, world with automated script running!");
% ./myprog.d
Hello, world with automated script running!
% _
(Under Win­dows re­place cat with type and #!/usr/bin/env rdmd with #!rdmd, the lat­ter as­sum­ing that rdmd can be found in your path.)


rdmd is a com­pan­ion to the dmd com­piler that sim­pli­fies the typ­i­cal edit-com­pile-link-run or edit-make-run cycle to a rapid edit-run cycle. Like make and other tools, rdmd uses the rel­a­tive dates of the files in­volved to min­i­mize the amount of work nec­es­sary. Un­like make, rdmd tracks de­pen­den­cies and fresh­ness with­out re­quir­ing ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion from the user.



rdmd [dmd and rdmd op­tions] prog­file[.d] [pro­gram ar­gu­ments]

In ad­di­tion to dmd's op­tions, rdmd rec­og­nizes the fol­low­ing:

just build the ex­e­cutable, don't run it
write dmd com­mands to std­out be­fore ex­e­cut­ing them
use the spec­i­fied com­piler (e.g. gdmd) in­stead of dmd
do not com­pile, just show what com­mands would be run (im­plies --chatty)
eval­u­ate code in­clud­ing it in void main(char[][] args) { ... } (mul­ti­ple --eval al­lowed, will be eval­u­ated in turn)
ex­clude a pack­age from the build (mul­ti­ple --ex­clude al­lowed)
force a re­build even if ap­par­ently not nec­es­sary
show a help mes­sage and exit
like --eval, but code will be ad­di­tion­ally in­cluded in a loop fore­ach (line; stdin.​byLine()) { ... }
add an empty void main() {} func­tion (use­ful for run­ning unittests)
print de­pen­den­cies in make­file for­mat and exit
open web browser on man­ual page
rdmd is in a she­bang line (put as first ar­gu­ment)



An­drei Alexan­drescu
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